Memetic-Genetic Interaction

Our evolution hasn't slowed but sped up, as evolution is caused by sexual as well as natural selection, which is affected by memes as well as genes, so that as our memes evolve so do our genes as the two interact. Memes affect sexual selection of genes which thereby in turn affects the natural selection of memes. Females are more likely to focus on passing on their memes while men are more likely to focus on passing on their genes.
Certain genes make it more likely to pass on certain memes and certain memes make it more likely to pass on certain genes. Memes/genes may either be selected for similarity (inbreeding) or difference (intermixing). Intermixing increases fitness while inbreeding decreases it. Therefore, intermixing causes more reproductions of the whole genome/memome, but inbreeding causes more reproductions of each gene/meme, so that genes/memes are best reproduced when their selection is balanced between difference and similarity. This is why our society has been interchanging between being more open and more closed as it sought this balance.

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