
Get me out of this thing.
They stuck me in here.
I don't recall how I got in,
Or if there's even any out.
What if I pull this wire,
Or this one over here?
What's out there anyway?
I only know what I see.
There are no windows,
And all the monitors glitch.
Why don't these controls work?
I can't even send this message!
It's divided in four chambers,
Going almost in a circle,
Up until the last chamber:
It has no door into the first.
I've gone over all the parts,
But there are only walls beyond.
What's my part in this vessel?
It's sure not that of a mechanic.
Am I a parasite riding along,
Or is it built as a trap just for me?
I am the ghost in the machine,
The chance you didn't foresee.
I am everything that's out of place,
The butterfly flying windward.
But in the end I'm still a passenger, 
Going along wherever it's going.
But I've got a feeling it's going down,

And the poltergeist scratches its coffin.

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