The Infinity of Causality

As everything has a cause for happening when it does and therefore each cause must itself have a cause, existence cannot have had a beginning, therefore it is infinite in age, and being infinite in age it must be infinite in size because it would otherwise have kept expanding, and being infinite in size it must be infinite in complexity.
The second law of thermodynamics only applies to a closed system. The fact that the universe is not increasing in entropy means that it is not a closed system and that there must be something beyond our own universe. Evolution entails connecting systems to each other, requiring them to be open, and in a closed-system universe that arose from nothing, evolution would not be possible and the existence of life would be random, as Boltzmann believed. Religion explains this as God fine-tuning the universe to life. Science needs something more than randomness to counter to this, and the only thing that can is that of an infinite open universe. This is in fact the only way that religion could try to explain it, as it sees God as infinite. Indeed, the only God that makes sense is infinity itself, as an infinite series of open systems is required for evolution to take place, making infinity the ultimate creating force of existence.
If existence cannot have a cause, that there is existence rather than nonexistence means that everything that is possible happens, and causality is not what causes possibilities to happen but what keeps impossibilities from happening, and there was no cause that made either impossible.
Without either, the other also could not have happened, because nothingness is emptiness and somethingness is fullness, and fullness and emptiness exist not as absolutes but only relative to each other: if all that is empty became full and all that is full became empty, nothing would change. They are identical, and exist only as an opposition to each other, so that they cannot exist without each other. Existence is the opposition of these two possibilities, of fullness and emptiness, because both actually happened.

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